HIP's 2020 Annual Community Forum welcomed Dr. Anthony Iton MD, JD, MPH, Senior Vice President for Healthy Communities at The California Endowment. Dr. Iton leads and participates in statewide efforts to advance policies and partnerships that build healthy communities in California. He believes that restoring democratic engagement and political power in underserved communities is the way to improve residents’ health, and that one’s zip code should not influence one’s wellbeing.
Following Dr. Iton's presentation, Keisha Browder, Chief Executive Officer at United Way of Santa Cruz County, facilitated a lively Q&A session with Dr. Iton.
To close the event, the Health Improvement Partnership of Santa Cruz County (HIP) awarded the Lifetime Game Changer Award to Michael Milward, CEO of Hospice of Santa Cruz County, for his unwavering support, and heartfelt impact on the wellbeing of our communities.
Follow this link to learn more about local disparities in our community.
Here are two resources referenced during the event by Dr. Iton: